Monthly Archives: September 2012

Is your heart in good health?

During a thunder storm that contained high winds, a giant oak tree was blown down. The tree was thought to be in perfect health; that is, from outward appearance it seemed to be in good health since it was almost perfectly shaped and full of green leaves. However, the massive tree could not withstand the stress of the high wind because of deterioration on the inside. What started as a tiny corruption at the center of the tree had spread until that tremendous tree was so weakened that it was toppled by the wind.

One may reach a point where he forsakes God altogether. It is because he (like the tree) has decayed on the inside. Perhaps the deterioration started with a little lie or one small drink of beer or forsaking the assembly to go fishing or camping. Long before our feet carry us where we ought not go, and our hands do what they ought not do, the desire is in our hearts. With pure hearts we will be able to stand the stress of temptation and the stress of everyday living.

Bible verse:

How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to Your word. I seek You with all my heart; do not let me stray from Your commands. I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You. – Psalms 119:9-11 (NIV)

 LORD, all I am asking is give me grace so that I do not sin against You. Help me to keep Your word always in my heart. In the Name of Jesus, Your Son and the Living Word, I ask. Amen.

So, what is in your mind today?

The Mind Has No Garbage Disposal

In describing one of the new movies of the day, a critic wrote, “The plot moves rapidly down the sewer.” It would not be so damaging to those who watch such trash if the mind could be equipped, like your kitchen sink, with a garbage disposal. Then you could flush away all the filth and be done with it, but the mind does not work that way. It stores up impressions for a lifetime. The only way to protect the mind is to expose it to only the best!

Bible verse:

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” – Philippians 4:8

So fill your minds with thoughts of those who love you, who care for you, who need you…. with thoughts of things that are pure and holy…. because in the verses above and below this, Paul is talking about the peace of God…. yes, when we do, we will be filled with the peace of God in our lives.

Are you a burning torch?


The Burning Torch

Among ancient Greeks the runner who won the race was not the man who crossed the line in the shortest time, but the man who crossed it in the least time with his torch still burning.

We are so often so busy with life’s activities that we are in danger of allowing the torch of our spiritual life to become extinguished.

A good woman once said that in the rush and hurry of her life she felt in danger of being “jostled out of her spirituality.” There is a real danger of being too busy to be good, of running too fast to keep our torch burning.

Bible Verse: Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about so many things, but only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen what is best, and it will not be taken away from her.” – Luke. 10:41-42 (CEV)

Have you spent sometime at the feet of the LORD today or are you too busy, worried and upset about so many things? Is your torch still burning?