
My name is Patrick Benziher. I am from Vandavasi, a small town in Tamilnadu, India.

My primary identity is I am a Christian. As Paul wrote in his letter to Romans, I am a bond servant of Jesus Christ, the Savior of everyone. I am humbled that in His grace that He chose me even before I was born and gave His life for me.

Recently I was thinking about how horrible my life has been and how abominable my transgressions are (oh, transgressions is a mild word to describe “sins” and I use it whenever I am too embarrassed to say “my sins”) and asked the LORD why would He love me when I have done so many horrible things. And, the answer came immediately, “Who else would love you, when you have done so many horrible things?”

I love Jesus Christ, my Savior. I adore my Father in Heaven, Creator of the Universe and I live by the Spirit of God, who teaches me in the way I should walk.

DISCLAIMER: Often I have been asked permission to use the images from my blog. I generally use two types of images. One type is where I got the image from the web and used as it is. As far as I know, none of them are copyrighted. The second type is the images I prepare on my own. And you are more than welcome to use them without asking my permission. The question is not “whether it is copyrighted or not?”, but “Will the Name of our LORD be glorified?”. If yes, please just go ahead and use the images. May the grace of the LORD be upon us. Amen.



  1. Hey Patrick… After ling time …. I could find you NOW…. Where are you ? Please be in touch…

  2. Hello sir ….. hru?

  3. Hello sir ….H r u ?

  4. Cynthia Zeitouni

    Hello, Patric. We are a family in Atlanta, Georgia USA. We have been supporting a family and their church in Jaggampeta, India (about 14 hours drive north of you on the Grand Trunk road). One of the pastors from their family is coming to the USA for pastoral teaching through a Christian foundation. He will take a bus to meet us in a city where we have some business and a small apartment visit us this summer.
    He will be staying at our apartment with us. Since we have no church family there and he is visiting during the week, we may only visit some church on Wednesday. What else should we do for him while he is here? We would appreciate any suggestions from a brother in Christ from India.

    • Hi Cynthia, thank you for your email. I had no internet connection for the past 4 weeks and just saw your message.
      I will be more than happy to give some suggestions, but can you give me more details??? Is the pastor an Indian? If yes, what are his education qualifications? And how long will he be staying there?
      Thanks again for visiting my blog.
      In Christ, Patric.

  5. Hi Patric. I stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that you have some great articles and ideas. I have yet to read them all, but I was hoping you could add some of your own input to my writings on Christianity? Thanks so much! =)

    • Hi, thanks for stopping by and thanks for your comments. I went through few of your articles and, to be honest, even an article on a Christmas carol you had written is so well written and insightful. I doubt if I can add anything to your writings. There is an openness and integrity in your writings that I have never experienced in my life. May the LORD bless you abundantly.

      • Wow thank you so much! You’ve made my day! I was speaking to a friend a few years ago and when I mentioned I had church she replied that she didn’t know I was religious. From then on I have tried to leave no one not knowing my love for God. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Hello There!
    I loved the image you used on your blog: https://benziher.wordpress.com/tag/my-strength/!

    I believe it will help many people, so I’ll be posting it on my log tonight! (http://faithtrustandbreastcancer.blogspot.com/2016/06/proverb-of-day-1523-happy-song.html) Naturally, I’m linking right back to you! I hope this is ok! Have a great day!


  7. Esther Staddon

    Hello! My name is Esther Staddon. I found a picture of Potipher’s wife looking at Joseph on google images. Google images referenced your website as the source of the picture. I can send you the picture in an email attachment if you like. I would like to purchase the picture and was wondering who holds the copyright and where you got the picture and who I should ask if I can use/purchase it. Thank you for your help in my quest!

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