Daily Archives: November 27, 2016

Let us carry our cross

Crucifixion was such a disgrace at that time, wrapped a name in such ignominy – that one who died thus was buried forever in shame. He never could be mentioned, but with thought and memory of dishonour. But Jesus, instead of being covered and borne down forever by the cross, in the black waters of reproach – lifted the cross itself to glory, until today it is the emblem of hope, of victory, of blessedness, and of joy wherever the Gospel has gone. Let no one be afraid to endure for Christ’s sake, for when the cross is taken up in His name – it becomes “an eternal weight of glory.”


How to fight evil

“Overcome evil with good.” – Romans 12:21

From My Daily Meditations by John Henry: (as I was struggling to overcome my thoughts straying away from the Lord, this meditation helped me understand what I was doing wrong and helped me to correct my ways.)

For how else can we cast out evil? Satan cannot cast out Satan. No one can clean a room with a filthy duster. The surgeon cannot cut out the disease if his instruments are defiled. While he removed one ill-growth he would sow the seed of another. It must be health which fights disease. It will demand a good temper to overcome the bad temper in my brother.

And therefore I must cultivate a virtue if I would eradicate a vice. That applies to the state of my own soul. If there be some immoral habit in my life, the best way to destroy it is by cultivating a good one. Take the mind away from the evil one. Deprive it of thought-food. Give the thought to the nobler mood, and the ignoble mood will die. And this also applies to the faults and vices of my brother. I must fight them with their opposites. If he is harsh and cruel, I must be considerate and gentle. If he is grasping, I must be generous. If he is loud and presumptuous, I must be soft-mannered and self-restrained. If he is devilish, I must be a Christian. This is the warfare which tells upon the empire of sin. I can overcome evil with good.

Romans 12_21