The servant of Elijah-followed Elijah

In one of the previous blogs, I had mentioned that the servant of Elijah was the first one to see the cloud that was to bring rains to the drought-hit Israel. And the first reason why he was the carrier of the good news was that he chose to follow God.

But following God is not simply worshipping the loving God on Sundays, proclaiming that you are a Christian and not worshipping the false gods. It involves a little more than that.

After the great victory at Mt. Carmel, the Israelites who were gathered there went back to their places. They had been hit by a severe famine that lasted for 3-1/2 years. The sun was burning hot and there was no water. And on that eventful day, they had been standing outside, under the sun, for the entire day without any food. Now the evening had come, they had chosen to worship the Lord and they were tired. So, everyone went home – except one person. The servant of Elijah.

He chose not to follow the crowd. He chose to follow the man of God. He climbed to the top of Mt. Carmel, along with Elijah. It was because of this, he became the herald of the blessed times to come.

Following Jesus

Dear friend, in this world, at present, it is very difficult to be alone with Jesus Christ. It is easy to go with the flow, following the crowd. Especially when you are tired after a gruelling day of your life. Considering how long you have been praying for the showers of blessing and it feels as if your prayers are not heard. Are you ready to climb with your Saviour? It may exhausting. It may look so stupid. But are you ready to be with Jesus Christ, Him that is crucified?

In this world, it is becoming more and more difficult to be a witness to the Lord. We need to be politically correct. We can’t agree to disagree with anyone anymore. You need to tow the lines with others. You can’t even wish “Merry Christmas” during CHRISTMAS season without hurting someone’s feelings. So, what are you going to do? Are you going to follow the crowd, or are you ready to be alone with your Lord Jesus Christ? If you choose to follow Him, you will be the harbinger of the great blessings that the LORD will bestow on you, on your family and on your nation. For HE has promised:

If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there also My servant shall be. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honour him. – John 12:26

John 12.26

Posted on February 26, 2016, in Bible Characters and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

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