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Who am I going to be? Chief Butler… in His time

And in the vine were three branches. And it was as if it budded, and its blossom shot up. And the clusters of it brought forth ripe grapes. – Genesis 40:10 (MKJV)

Who am I going to be? The chief butler or the chief baker?

Not only in his dream, the chief butler saw a vine before him; he also saw that the vine had three branches. It was as if budded, then its blossom shot up and finally the clusters brought forth ripe grapes.

Of course, it was a dream and hence all these would have happened very fast. But there is something in that dream – the sequence in which everything happened. First a vine had to bud, then blossom and finally give forth to ripe grapes and it happened in the dream in the very same sequence.

When we keep Jesus Christ, the True Vine, before our eyes, we expect miracles to happen right away. While there is nothing wrong in that, we need to wait for the appointed time the LORD has for each thing to happen. Our LORD makes everything beautiful in His time.

Sometimes, we need deliverance right away. We know the time we have in hand is very short. But we see that the LORD is working slowly, through process, not realizing the hurry we are in. That is, in a way, pride in us acting out. The LORD knows better than us – all the time.

So, let us trust in our LORD Jesus Christ. And let us trust in His timing too.

Ecc 3_11

For the man will not rest…

Probably we are facing some serious trouble in our life. The days are passing by and our hearts are worried. Our strength is melting away and our faith seems to get weaker by the day. Our heart is crying out to the LORD, wondering why He is taking so long to deliver us. Our common sense is telling us to do this and that.

In such a time, Naomi tells her daughter-in-law to

                             “Sit still, my daughter.” (Ruth 3:18)

Sit still? When there is so much to do? When there is so many things to be taken care of? Sit still? Doing nothing? Really? Why did Naomi say so? Because she knew one thing. Boaz would not rest until he had finished that thing that very day.

We may know our Boaz, our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ. But how much do we know about Him? Enough to trust Him that He will not rest until He has finished this thing this very day??? If our hearts really believe in Him, if we truly have faith in Jesus Christ, if we really have tasted the love of our LORD, then we will do one thing and one thing only. The one thing that the LORD is asking of us today: Be still.


Romans 12:10“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”

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